Physical Exercise is Good For Your Eyes

Did you know that physically active people appear to have a 73 percent lower risk of developing glaucoma? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, people who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity may be able to lower their risk of glaucoma significantly. Researchers reported a 73 percent decline in the risk of developing… Read More

What Are The Makings of the Human Eye?

Did you know that the human eye is a marvelous engineering feature? The human eye is one complex organ we should not take for granted. The miracle of seeing the beautiful world around you is the greatest gift we have as individuals. The uniqueness of these mysterious organs is why eyes make all magical experiences… Read More

July Is Dry Eye Awareness Month

In 2005, the Sjögren’s Foundation asked Congress to officially declare July “Dry Eye Awareness Month” to help increase dry eye awareness while educating people about the symptoms and treatment options for dry eye, and the Prevent Blindness organization also declared July as Dry Eye Awareness Month. We want to join the foundations to bring awareness… Read More

Why Are Eyebrows and Eyelashes Important?

Isn’t it interesting that a study completed by MIT stated that it would be hard to recognize you if you did not have your eyebrows!? Our eyebrows and eyelashes frame our faces, but they don’t just exist for our beauty. They also serve as protection, help us express emotion, and are our eye’s first line… Read More

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

Prevent Blindness has declared June as Cataract Awareness Month to raise cataract awareness and educate patients about one of the leading causes of treatable vision loss in the United States. According to Prevent Blindness, over 25 million Americans will develop cataracts. As the population in America ages, the number of cataract cases will likely increase… Read More

May is Ultraviolet Awareness Month

Summer is almost here, and while the sun will be shining bright, it is a golden time to highlight Ultraviolet Awareness Month. Prevent Blindness has declared May as Ultraviolet (UV) Awareness Month to increase awareness of how UV rays can damage your eyes and hurt your vision. We are happy to share this valuable information… Read More

Have You Been Diagnosed With Cataracts?

If you have been diagnosed by your eye doctor with a cataract, you are not alone. According to the National Eye Institute, cataracts affect over 24.4 million Americans aged 40 and older. We are here for you to ensure you have the best support for your cataract diagnosis. Here are a few recommendations from the… Read More

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